Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Colors of Summer - Red and Orange

Today's colors reflect the extreme weather we've been having here in Zone 7 this summer - HOT! HOT! HOT! Happily we are now getting a welcome respite from the heat and it will be a joy to work in my gardens today. This is the third in my series the Colors of Summer and the focus is on the colors red and orange. From Left to Right beginning at the top left corner they are Better Boy tomato, Giant zinna, sweet bell pepper, San Marzono tomato, Liliput zinnia, Aussie beefsteak tomato, jalapeno peppers, Cherokee Purple tomato and Mexican sunflower. By the way, that Aussie beefsteak plant has produced the biggest tomatoes I've ever seen in my life! They have typically measured at least 5 in across, sometimes more, and make great tomato sandwiches! The San Marzono were disappointing. They are supposed to be the very best Italian-type tomato, but they are heirloom plants and they did not perform well at all for me. The heat we've had and the spider mites didn't help either.


CynthiaCrane said...

Thank you! I started them from seeds in my basement. (I see another tutorial in my future!)

CynthiaCrane said...

You are a winner of the last 4 tickets! Thanks for your nice comments:)

CynthiaCrane said...

You are a winner! Thanks for loving my chipmunk painting. He'll be up for sale soon - original and prints. And there's more to come just like him....bunnies, squirrels, bears, foxes....be sure to follow my blog!

CynthiaCrane said...

You are a winner! Thanks for liking my blog. Hit the "Join My Blog" button to the right to follow my blog and you can learn how to unleash that creative part of you that is "deep down inside" just waiting to get out!

Smylly said...

I'd love to win some tickets for Bark in the Park. I have a rescue puppy I'm trying to civilize. Love your chipmunk painting!

Seeingstarz79 said...

I'd like some tickets to the Bark in the Park!! I'm a friend of your daughter's and I saw this on her facebook page. I really like your blog!! Deep down inside I really want to be creative and artsy!! Your blog is very inspirational! :)

Gwynethhines said...

LOVE the Zinnias!

Jennyfoley1 said...

Cindy, my family and I would love tickets to the game! I LOVE your blog! My dad paints watercolors and I know it's not an easy thing to do...looks like you figured it our pretty quickly!

Emily said...

I love your colors of summer series, the arrangements are so lovely! I'd also love Squirrels tickets if you're still giving them away! :)

CynthiaCrane said...

Thanks so much for your lovely comments! I'm afraid tickets are all gone, but there'll be more contests for give-aways of my art so JOIN MY BLOG so you can stay informed.