Now we pass under the Serviceberry tree and encounter this huge mass of Mexican Spice Basil, still going strong while my other basils are already doing their duty in the compost heap.

Next to catch our attention is this 'Mexican Sunflower', its bright orange face shouting "Look at me, look at me!"

But its the Hyssop 'Purple Haze' that draws my eye. A wonderful share from my neighborhood plant swap a few years back, now a lovely lavender mound that just keeps on giving up its beautiful blooms.

Sharing space with the hyssop are lots and lots of these Nandinas. I'll admit I tried to yank them all out when I first moved to my home here, but nothing doin'. These guys are here to stay and I have actually learned to appreciate them a little more.

Continuing on toward the back out by the purple barn is my 'Nahno Purple' butterfly bush, still going strong. Thank goodness those ugly spider mites are history. With the awful heat this summer, I thought those varmints were going to do this lovely plant in.

Heading back around the goldfish pond is the unique and gorgeous purple beautyberry shrub. Another lucky plant swap acquisition!

Moving on we spy a lonely Mexican verbena...barely hanging on...only a few stems poking their lovely faces above the little birdbath. Hope he comes back again next year. I understand they usually do.

To warm things up a bit after all the purples, this fading orange zinnia is still a beauty. To some this may look like a throw-away, but I personally love the different colors it presents in its last days in my garden.

There's that gorgeous blue sky again, just beyond those sweet pinky-purple blooms of the hyacinth bean vine. And I just love those gorgeous aubergine pods! I've got to remember to pick some dried ones to save for next year.

Our walk ends with a final good bye to my beloved dew-kissed Midnight Blue shrub rose, singing her last hurrah.
I hope you enjoyed your walk with me today! If you'd like me to mail you some of those hyacinth bean seeds, just leave me a comment below and I'll contact you via email. (USA residents only, please.)
1 comment:
Great 'walk' Cindy! Your pictures are beautiful! I hope I win your fox print!! : )
Talk soon - Betsy
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